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- V -
- Jeffrey Van, Classical Guitarist
- Guillermo Venegas Lloveras, guitarist and composer from Puerto Rico
- Ventura County Classical Guitar Society
- Benjamin Verdery
- Victoria Guitar Society (BC, Canada)
- Villa Lobos Homepages:
- Heitor Villa Lobos Homepage at Red Deer Public Library
- Villa-Lobos Museum at Rio de Janeiro
- Life of Villa Lobos
- Heitor Villa-Lobos' Home Page of Marcelo André Karklin Fontana
- Villa-Lobos at DIMAS (Fundaçâo Biblioteca Nacional in Brasil)
- Via-Rio - Cultura - Museu Villa-Lobos
- nota delle Edizioni Paoline, di Miravalles (in Italian)
- Villa-Lobos Home Page of Music Center server in Brasil
- Villa-Lobos: a survey on his guitar music by Orlando Fraga
- Villa Lobos page
- Villa Lobos page in the Basic Repertoire List of ClassicalNet
- George Villiers Home Page Still one of the best UK guitar sites, with several of Villiers' jazz-oriented compositions available for download in GIF format. There's also some MIDI files, but you'll need Real Audio 3.0 or higher to hear the latest sound samples.
- Wechter Guitars - handcrafted instruments are known throughout the world!
- Weed's guitar page - original MIDIs, MP3s & tablature
- John Williams at WWW.MUSIC.Sony
- West Sussex Guitar Club
- The Whole Guitarist
- John Williams - Discography at WWW.MUSIC.Sony
- John Williams
- Wirksworth Classical Guitar Circle
- Web-chat about guitar
- Ask the Luthier: Abe Wechter's contribution to Guitar Net
- The WexTux Guitar-S(a)ite
- Arto Wikla's Music Page
- Bengt Wikstršm Teacher and Performer - SWEDEN
- René Wilhelmy - classical guitar maker
- Abe Wechter "Ask the Guitarmaker"
- National Guitar Summer Workshop
Do you want to add a link? Send eMail to: steflitsch@geg.at |
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Copyright © 1996-2001 by Gitarren Ensemble Graz, Morellenfeldgasse 39, 8010 Graz, Austria
Phone: +43 699 10533096, Fax: +49 89 2443 28096
eMail: steflitsch@geg.at - Homepage: http://www.geg.at
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